Hello there I am Nate Hoogeboom this is my first year of GITA
or Global Information Technology Academy.This year we were introduced to the codeing language C#,
we started learning how to use Visual Studio, and we have started the basics of html.
In this page there is a list of ever project we have worked on this year
and you can download and try them for your selfs.
It has been great being able to be in this program and learn evrything I have and I hope that
I can continue to learn and grow my skills in computer programing.



This was are very first project that we made in visual stuido.In this project we made a header that said hello and two buttons one that said push me that when pushed changed the header to "Hi" and the other said exit that when pushed would close the program. Since this was are fisrt time we learned everything here mainly how visual studio works and how to use it, we also leanred a few things like lables,buttons,the "this.close program and a if statement.

GoodBye Project


In this program we expaned apon what we learned in the Hello project by useing more lables and buttons.This was the first project were we started to comment on are code and keep everything orgnized and also we learned how to use picture boxes int this project.The point of this project was to have a label that says goodbye and have four buttons that would change it to say goodbye in another language. This was basicly and expaned vervion of the Hello project.

Help Page


This was are first real project we had to do.We had to use everything we learned up till that point and make a help page for us.The project is basicly are homepage or at lest are first try at it before we had to make are website.You would have a homepage with a menu that would show you logo and slogan when you clicked on it. I even made my own logo for this project.

Mailing Labley


This was are first time learning about variables to store user info.The point of this project was that a person would enter so infomation like there name and address and then when you click display lable it would make a letter mailing lable for you to use.



In this project we worked more on useing variables to store user data we also leanred to concatenate in this project. When you open it up it will ask for your name and phrase and useing concatanateation It would say your name loves and the phrase you put



This was are biggest project on concatanation and the first project that challanged me. It wasn't really that hard but in the project we had to make a madlib and use text boxs to lets the user finish the madlib so It had alot of variables and concatanateing for it to work and it took me a while

Car Rental


In this class we have two types of assignments, the fun small ones and the big projects that take many days and are hard.I think this was a real first big project. It took us many days and way really hard useing everything we learned to do it. In this project you have to enter your id and eneter what car you want and how many miles you would be driveing and useing that It would give you the cost

Car Rental Upgrade


This is a add on to the car rantal project.It's the same thing but this time you can pick diffrent cars you want to dirve,if you want a good sound system or leather, and if you drive less than 100 miles it's free and all of this affects the price of you trip like some cars cost more than others or added cost with sound and leather.

Test Score


In this project we make a test score checker.You would enter your two test scores and it would tell you the letter grade each test got and your avarage test score.

BMI index project


In this program we made a BMI index checker. You would enter info like youe height weight and age and useing that data the code will calulate your BMI index.

Dice Game


This was are next big project. This time we learn how to use random number genarators. In this game you roll two dice and it tells you your roll total, but throught alot of math we were able to make it so you can see the probablys of what number you would roll next.

Radio and Check Boxes


This project was to help us learn about Radio buttons and check boxes

Triangle Checker


This porject uses math to tell you info on a triangle.It asks you to eneter three angles and it will check if it is a triangle, if it is we continue and if not it stops the program and tells you it dose not form a triangle. After that it will tell you what type of triangel it is like acute, abobtuse, or scalen ect....

Slot Machine


This project makes a woking slot machine that even allows you to bet diffrent amounts of money and being able to go broke or win the jackpot.

Taco Shop


This is both my hardest project I'v ever done and also my best work.I'm really pround of this one I made it work really well with great code and notation, but everyone else just made theres work but I made mine look great. I'm really happy on how it came out. Anyway this project simulates a taco truck you go up and make an order and when your done pay I made it really easy to use and understnad so check it out.

Stair Walker


This was the first project were used arrays, we made a staircase with a "gohst" and a "goul" but we can change the images in the project. useing arrays there would be a guy who would useing a random number generator walk up and down the stair. The program will keep track how many times you hit the top and bottom of the stairs.



This was a quick little project that we worked on as a cool down from the taco truck. We didn't learn anything new and it wasn't to hard just a fun little project to work on. As you would think by the name this code makes a working verion of rock paper scissors but it has a twist to make the code and game just a bit harder. We added lizzard and spock to the game.

2D sub program


This was a project were we tryed out useing arrays. In this project we had a move button and an auto move button. And how this project would work is every time you click move the sub would move one space up, down, left, or right with the same thing with the shark. When they collide the sub will die so we had to add a reset button.



In this project we had to make a working game of tic-tac-toe. This wan't to hard it was a good pratice in keeping track of a lot of variables and it was a fun project to code. Over all a pretty relaxed project

Basic AI


This was the first project were we had to make a proto AI. It was very hard at first because we were trying to make an AI for the first time but after a while I started to understand it and it became easy I'm pretty happy on how it came out.

Star Field


In this project we were playing with labels and variables makeing them spawn at a random place on the sceen and then grow untill they disapper. So we used this to make a game were it looks like stars passing by you as you fly past them in your spaceship

AI Upgrades with Arrays


This project was an upgrade on the basic AI project. This time we had you the player and this time your being chased by 8 AI's. We made an array list for the AI's and your job is to run away from them shooting at them untill you kil them all.

Number Array


This was a project to use a int array list to generate 100 diffrent unmbers and then track diffrent stats